Getting ready for our field trip to the Living Desert

Getting ready for our field trip to the Living Desert 

What you need to bring:

  • Wear your P.E. uniform: red Sacred Heart Academy T-shirt, red shorts or sweat pants, red sweatshirt or jacket.
  • Brown bag lunch with your name on the bag. Or you can use a plastic grocery bag with your name on it.  We don’t have a lot of room in our lunch boxes for insulated lunch boxes.
  • Bottled water


What you may bring:
  • Hats
  • Sunglasses
  • Camera – you are responsible for this! (If your student wants to bring any digital devise, I will need a parent note giving parent permission.  Also, all internet access needs to be disabled.)
  • Sun screen
  • Small back pack to carry all items


You need to be in the classroom at 7:30 a.m.  We need to get into our groups and on the road by 8:00.  If you are not in classroom at 7:50, we will be leaving without you.