Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   Mrs. Tahhan is always so kind to keep me up to date on what is happening in Pre-School when she sees me as I don’t often get over to Pre-School on my own.  Most recently she told me that the third of the three Lent boxes they have in Pre-School was now filled.  At the beginning of Lent I had tweeted a picture of these three boxes showing the toys the Pre-Schoolers were fasting from for Lent and the pictures they had drawn showing what they were praying for.  The third box, showing what they were giving to others, was empty at this point.  Knowing this last box was now filled I stopped by Monday afternoon and Mrs. Fitch told me about all the toys the Pre-Schoolers had brought in that will be given to Veronica’s Home in San Bernardino.  It was wonderful to hear her tell me how much our little ones understand about giving up something and sharing with others.  They are growing and learning so much in Pre-School and I know they will be well prepared to celebrate Easter next month.  And I know they will truly appreciate being able to again play with the toys they have set aside for these six weeks.  I hope these first weeks of Lent have been as enriching of a time for you also.

   Lent can be a powerful time of our Liturgical year as we pray, fast and give.  It can open us up to being able to do things we might previously have struggled with.  Forgiveness can be one of these things we find difficult to do.  Listen to our 7th grader today as he shows us how powerful this can be.

Mercy essay

 by Jacob

   Forgiveness is a powerful thing you can do.  Forgiveness is showing people mercy just like how Jesus did on the cross for our sins.  I can show people mercy when someone accidentally breaks something of mine.  I can show them nicely not to break stuff of mine.

   Monday we will have La Tavola di san Giuseppe (Saint Joseph’s Table) at morning assembly to celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph.  Saint Joseph is so important in God’s plan of salvation that he is the one Saint who is always celebrated during Lent.  This year because March 19th falls on Sunday his feast day is transferred to Monday, March 20th.  The Saint Joseph’s Table is a Sicilian tradition I learned about from Mrs. Cilmi, who comes from a Sicilian family, when I was her aide in 1st grade.  I was more than happy to continue this tradition when she retired.  The 4th graders will explain how this tradition came about and bless the school in Italian at morning assembly, and then distribute the bread (usually pretzels sticks) to all the classes.

    During Lent in the Melkite tradition they have a Pre-Sanctified Liturgy instead of the usual Vespers.  I always look forward to this each year at Saint Philip Melkite Catholic Church in San Bernardino and am looking forward to being there this Thursday.  If you’ve never experienced this I am sure you will find the richness of the service very moving and I invite you to join us from 7-8pm.  Fridays during Lent, from 7-8pm, St. Philip prays the Akathist, one of the most ancient hymns to our Blessed Mother Mary, another very rich and beautiful service you may wish to experience.  St. Philip’s is located at the corner of Congress and I Streets. 

   Cinema for the Soul is next Thursday, March 23rd at 7pm.  St. Vincent is a great Lent movie as the young boy in the movie shows us how to see the good in a cranky neighbor where others do not.

   Thank you.  Mrs. Alhadef
