
Welcome to 3rd grade!!! I have been teaching 3rd grade at Sacred Heart Academy since 2005. I graduated from Cal State San Bernardino in 2002 with a B.A. in Liberal Studies and a minor in music and I earned my teaching credential from the University of Redlands.  I have been a parishioner at Holy Name of Jesus since 1978.  My husband, Roger, and I were married here.  My son attended Sacred Heart Academy from kindergarten through eighth grade!   So, needless to say, my family is very committed to this parish and school.  I truly enjoy teaching 3rd grade and try to make learning fun, engaging, and relevant.  


November Notes

A few things of note:
  • Are you, a family member, friend, or neighbor a Veteran?  If so, you are invited to join our class for our school Mass on Tuesday, Nov. 11th, Veteran's Day.  Also, Veteran's are invited to join the processional at the beginning of Mass.  If so, please let me know the Veteran's name, branch of service, and if they served during war.
  • You are invited to join us on Wednesday, November 19th for school Mass.  Our class is leading the liturgy, including in the choir!  
  • November 20th our class will be visiting Asistencia Villa.  We still need a few more drivers for this very important field trip.  It is a time to visit the sick and elderly and bring them a bit of joy in their day.  "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." Mark 24:35-36
  • November 21st we will be having our Thanksgiving party.  Please talk with your student about what they are truly thankful for.  We will be sharing this at the start of our party.
As for me, these students are such a blessing to me for which I am truly thankful.

Thanksgiving Mass Nov. 19th

The third grade class will be leading the school liturgy on Wednesday, November 19th.  Our students will be readers, gift bearers, and will be singing in the choir.  You are invited to attend this special mass!!!  (Actually, you are invited to join us each week!   We would love for you to sit with us!)

Today our class won the spirit stick, which is being held by Lauren, at the Red Ribbon Week Pep Rally!

Learning about our land and landforms

Here is a snippet of one way we learn our Social Studies vocabulary words.

Supply Needed

Each student will need to bring one spiral notebook to class by Monday, October 13th.  This will become our writer's notebook.  Thank you!!!

Homework Assignments

For Friday:  Religion test for Chapter 2; Science worksheet for Chapter D2 the human body.

For Monday: Math~ vocabulary quiz.  The words and definition is in the Interactive Math Notebook.  Students will need to demonstrate the ability to create a multiplication equation in the form of an array.  (Not for LEAP students)

Morning Assembly

Our class is leading the morning assembly next week.  This is the schedule:

Monday 9.29 ~ Opening: Morgan; Reading: Conner; Our Father: Angelee; Pledge to flag: Giovanna

Tuesday 9.30 ~ Opening: Alex N.; Reading: Anthony G.; Our Father: Deyton; Pledge to flag: Noah

Wednesday 10.1 ~ Opening: Riley; Reading: Audrey; Our Father: Korrah; Pledge to flag: Lauren

Thursday 10.2 ~ Opening: Catherine; Reading: Anthony M; Our Father: Alex B; Pledge to flag: Sebastian

Friday 10.3 ~ Opening: Sandra; Reading: Alex M.; Our Father: Juliette; Pledge to flag: Alex T.



CogAt Testing

Our class will be doing the CogAt tests on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. please remind your students to get a good night's rest and eat a nutritious breakfast.   Mrs. T is organizing for parents to bring snacks for recess during testing days.  A shout out to the parents who are proving brain food for our students during this time.

Ramblings from 3rd Grade

  • Does anyone out there have a Green Thumb???  I, for one, have a black thumb.  If you are good at or enjoy gardening, please think about helping out our class with the class garden.  I could teach lessons (the theory) in class and you could do the hands on stuff (the lab) with the students in the garden.  It would not need to be a large time commitment.  Please think about it and let me know if you are interested.  Thank you!!!
  • Our class will be taking the CoGat tests on Wed. and Thurs. mornings.  These tests are used to assess their abilities in three areas considered important in determining future academic success: verbal, nonverbal and quantitative reasoning.  We want the students to do their very bests on these assessments.  Please make sure they get a good night's rest the night before and have a good nutritious breakfast the morning of the tests.  We continue the next week with the IOWA Assessments.
  • Because of the testing schedule, homework will be a little lighter - reading log on Scootpad and nightly math homework.
  • Monday is Elephant Appreciation Day!!!  If your student has a stuffed elephant, they are welcome to bring it in to class on Monday.  Someone asked if they could bring in a picture instead.  That would be fine, too.  If possible, have your student find one fact about elephants to share with the class.  Thank you.

Picture Day

Tomorrow is Picture Day as well as P.E. Day.  Please send your students to school wearing the REGULAR SCHOOL UNIFORM.  Have them bring their PE uniform in a bag.  We will have our pictures taken and then the students will change into their PE uniform for PE class.  Thank you!!!