Greetings from 3rd Grade!

We have completed our first week of school!  It has been fun getting to know all of your children this past week and meeting some of you at the Back-to School Night.  This week we really start getting down to work in all of our subjects.  Here are just a few notes, reminders, comments that I need to share with you that have come up since the start of school:

  • Please subscribe to BOTH my page and the 3rd grade homework page.  When I post homework, it will show up only on the homework page and not on the regular class page. 
  • If you have not turned in the Purple Student Info sheet and the Pink I Think You Should Know sheets, please send them in ASAP.
  • Scootpad homework was assigned today.  Your student should be able to start working on their assignments.  You, as families, do not need to upgrade the subscription for your student to use this website.
  • When picking up your student, please either say "Hello" or just wave at me to let me know that you have your student.  I want to make sure I know where all the kids are at the end of the day.
  • Planner money is due this Friday and is $5 (not the $4 listed on the supply list) Thank you to the families that have already paid. 
  • This Friday, Sept 5th is a minimum day and it is also a non-uniform day.  Please look at the parent handbook for guidelines for dressing on non-uniform days.

I think that is all for now!  I am blessed to have this class this year ~ They are so sweet and eager to learn!