May Events

May is a busy month for our class.  Here is a run down of all the happenings:
5/2 Wednesday: 3rd and 4th grade leads the school in a Living Rosary.  Please join us at 8:45 to pray the rosary.
5/4 Friday: Minimum Day; 1st Communion Banners are due
5/7 This week our class leads the morning 
5/10 Thursday: 1st Communion Retreat 6:15 - 8:00
5/12 Saturday: First Communion Day!!!
5/16 Wednesday: 1st Communion School Mass.  Our class leads the Mass, followed by reception.  Photographer will be available for individual photos.  THIS IS A MINIMUM DAY FOR THIS CLASS.  Students go home after reception.
5/17 Thursday: Class and Mr. Turner go to Assistencia Convalescent Home to visit.  Permission slips will go home soon.
5/18 Friday: Medieval Times Field Trip
5/24 Thursday: SHA Symposium.  This is a minimum day, but students / families are to return back to school between 5-7 pm to participate in the Symposium.  More about this later.
5/25 Friday: No school
Phew!  That's a lot of stuff!  There isn't that many more days left of school, so we are packing in as much as we can!  As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.  
Have a great weekend!!!