Happy New Year!!!

Hello families!  I hope that all of you have enjoyed the Christmas break and that many memories were made.  I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful students on Wednesday.  
There are a couple of things that I am requesting your student bring to class:
1) Please bring a picture of your family.  Our January religion bulletin board is titled, "Our Holy Families."  I would love to put up pictures of each of our families.
2) I will be reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by CS Lewis to the class.  If possible, please have your student bring a copy to class.  I will try to get a few copies from other teachers or the school library, but won't be able to get an entire class set.  It would be helpful for them to follow along as I read it to the class.  Bringing a copy is OPTIONAL.  
If you have any questions, please text or email me.  Thank you!!!