Important Dates

Friday February 3rd - our class is leading the Grandparents' Mass.  You are always welcome to join us for all our Masses.
Friday February 10th - Field trip to The Living Desert.  Field trip forms were sent home today.  The form and fee are due back to class no later than Monday, February 6th.  I need to confirm the number of attendees with The Living Desert.  I will also need 5 drivers to seat 22 people for this trip.  I am limited to the number of adults that can come with us.  The first 5 people who text me with the number of seats available will be part of our trip.  Other parents that want to attend are able to, but will need to pay for their own entrance fee and enter through the main gate and then meet up with us.  If you have any question, please text or email me.  Thanks!