Parent Letter Faith Reflection

   This week as we honor our Veterans, those who have served, and are currently serving our country, these words from Pope Francis’ encyclical Fratelli e Sorelle Tutti stood out. Here he shows how love for your own country, your own culture, is the doorway to opening your hearts to other. To appreciate another culture, another person different than yourself is to see the world through the eyes of Jesus, our strength and unity:

    “Just as there can be no dialogue with “others” without a sense of our own identity, so there can be no openness between peoples except on the basis of love for one’s own land, one’s own people, one’s own cultural roots. I cannot truly encounter another unless I stand on firm foundations, for it is on the basis of these that I can accept the gift the other brings and in turn offer an authentic gift of my own. I can welcome others who are different, and value the unique contribution they have to make, only if I am firmly rooted in my own people and culture. Everyone loves and cares for his or her native land and village, just as they love and care for their home and are personally responsible for its upkeep.

    Indeed, when we open our hearts to those who are different, this enables them, while continuing to be themselves, to develop in new ways. The different cultures that have flourished over the centuries need to be preserved, lest our world be impoverished. At the same time, those cultures should be encouraged to be open to new experiences through their encounter with other realities, for the risk of succumbing to cultural sclerosis is always present. That is why “we need to communicate with each other, to discover the gifts of each person, to promote that which unites us, and to regard our differences as an opportunity to grow in mutual respect. Patience and trust are called for in such dialogue, permitting individuals, families and communities to hand on the values of their own culture and welcome the good that comes from others’ experiences."

  Showcasing 7th grade’s talents: Aidan L. serves up a delicious American breakfast.


 God bless,


Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
