Donate Now
Online Donations
Anyone can donate to Sacred Heart Academy to help this ministry in its mission. General Donations are very much appreciated and put to use in the fulfillment of the Sacred Heart Academy mission: to provide a quality Catholic education to meet the spiritual, academic and social needs of each student. Your donations are tax-deductible. Click the image below to go to the donations page, managed by our parish, The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community in Redlands, California.
On-site Donations
Donations of goods, services, time or treasure are appreciated, and put to use in the fulfillment of the school's mission: to provide a quality Catholic education to meet the spiritual, academic and social needs of each student.
Many people have expressed that they are very happy to contribute to specific projects or needs of the school, such as new technology or equipment that can be used on today's campus as well as the future school campus.
The school office has a book, called the Capital Improvement Projects book, which lists the current needs of the school. Parents and parishioners are welcome to visit the office, ask to see the book, and look over the many ways, big and small, to make a difference in specific, lasting ways to these projects.
Your donation is tax-deductible. Checks may be made out to Sacred Heart Academy. Please indicate any special intention for the gift, such as "general scholarship fund," "classroom use," "music program" etc.
In all cases, please drop by or contact the school office at (909) 792-3958 to inquire about giving opportunities.