
Attendance:  Absences
Students are expected to be at school all day, every day.  The primary responsibility for attendance rests with the parents.  Attendance is necessary for the students to be prepared for the next grade level.  The following procedures must be followed in the event of an absence:
Excused Absence:  On days students are absent, a parent or guardian must call the school office at (909) 654-3191 by 8:30 a.m.  A dated, written excuse from the parent or guardian must be presented to the teacher upon return of the student. For any absence of three consecutive days or more a physician’s note may be requested upon the student’s return. 
Medical/Dental Absence:  Students are legally credited for attendance when time is spent in 
medical and dental appointments.  Verification of such appointments is required from the medical or dental office.  A written note from the parent is to be presented to the office through the teacher for the release from school for dental or other appointments.  Except in cases of necessity, all doctor and dental appointments should be scheduled for non-school hours.  Should a student become ill, the parents will be notified and requested to pick up their child.  Students who need to leave early must be signed out in the school office by the parent or guardian.
Pre-Arranged Absence:  All foreseen absences are to be cleared through the school office prior to the absence.
Makeup Work:  In cases of short absence, due to illness, accident, quarantine, or attendance at the funeral services of a member of the student’s family, the school staff should assist the student to make up the schoolwork missed.  If an illness or accident is such that a long-term absence is indicated and verified by a doctor, the local public school district should be contacted for home tutoring services.
Excessive Absences: Students absent more than 13 school days per trimester without a doctor’s excuse, or other comparable professional excuse, may be asked to withdraw from the school.  The final decision rests with the Principal.
Attendance:  Tardies
A student arriving late to class is taking away learning time from other students.  A tardy student disrupts the class.  Knowing that occasionally problems occur which cause a student to be late, this policy will allow up to five tardies per student within each trimester.
Tardy Policy:  Students must report to class before the 7:50 bell rings.  Students arriving while or after the 7:50 bell rings will be considered tardy.  Tardy students must report to their teacher who will record the tardiness.
Excused Tardies:  An excused tardy is given only with a dated verification of a medical or dental appointment.
Excessive Tardies:  The parent of any student tardy over the five allowed each trimester will be required to help with lunch yard supervision or pay $10.00 per excessive tardy.  Billing for excessive tardies will be at the end of each trimester.  The student, at the teacher’s discretion, will be required to provide service to the school in addition to the parent billing.  During the third trimester, if a student reaches their sixth tardy, fees and service will immediately apply.  Habitual tardiness can result in expulsion according to Diocesan guidelines.  (See Suspension/Expulsion –Diocesan Policy #5206.1, which can be obtained through the school office.)