Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Because all creatures are connected, each must be cherished with love and respect, for all of us as living creatures are dependent on one another./Porque todas las criaturas están conectadas, cada una debe ser valorada con afecto y admiración, y todos los seres nos necesitamos unos a otros. Laudato Sí, 42

    I mentioned a couple weeks back that the Season of Creation had ended on the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. What I didn’t mention, due to lack of space, was that same day was also the premiere of the documentary The Letter: A Message for Our Earth, held in the Vatican.

   The documentary brings to life the environmental encyclical Laudato Sí that Pope Francis wrote in 2015. The Letter follows 5 different people from around the world who are advocates for the ecology. As Rome Reports explains, “The Letter strives to explain the complexity of climate change but also aims to offer a message of hope, thanks to the testimonies of the people involved, including Pope Francis.”

   Greg Asner, a marine biologist highlighted in the documentary, explains that “to bring the issue forward and make it about people, to make it about faith, to make it about your belief in what humanity can be on this planet, I think that is what the movie does for people. I think it helps to put the climate issue and biodiversity, and this sort of scientific issue into the context of humanity.”

   Here at Sacred Heart Academy one of our SLE's that we want our students to live out is being A Compassionate Caretaker of Creation. One way we know they have embraced this is by respecting and preserving God's creation. This human face that The Letter gives to our world can help us all be compassionate caretakes of creation.

     This link connects to both the trailer and the movie:

Showcasing SHA talent: Madeline and Samantha in 5th also put a human face on climate change with the biosphere they drew.

 God bless,

Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
