Parent Letter Faith Reflection

 Lord Jesus, you are King over everything seen and unseen!...”Lord Jesús, I rejoice in your ongoing work of transformation in my life…”/Señor Jesus, eres Rey sobre todo lo que se ve y lo que no se ve!...”Señor Jesús, me regocijo en tu trabajo continuo de transformación en mi vida…” - from the Be Transformed Prayer/Se Transformado Oracion in Advent bags

    On Thanksgiving day, and again after all the weekend masses, The Holy Name of Jesus gave out Advent bags. I like this tradition our parish has been doing now for a number of years. It’s like an early Christmas present—actually, it is an early Christmas present, a little something we unpack before we celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

    There are many ways to enjoy this season of hope—Christmas trees, lights, holiday music, four foot tall inflatable Minions, seasonal decorations downtown, and Santa Claus are some of what we might see as we go about our business. Advent, though, offers us something extra. Advent offers us a pause, a different focus within all the holiday fun. Advent gives us a deeper layer as we wait in the hopeful expectation of what is to come.

  The Jesse tree ornaments, daily meditations booklet, and prayers that are inside the Advent bags give us a foretaste of the joy that is to come. To apply what Joan Chittister said recently, Advent, like joy she was writing about, can “attest to the beauty of the present and asserts our confidence in the beauty of the future. It recognizes the mercy and love of God.” By embracing the deeper layer Advent offers we remember where these days are leading and will arrive at Christmas not worn out, but rejuvenated.

    If you did not get an Advent bag the parish still has some, and I also have a few in the 4th grade classroom.

 Showcasing SHA talent: Angela and David in 7th made an artsy Jesse tree ready for ornaments.


God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
