Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Son Rise, heaven awaits. No more tears, no more pain. Son Rise break loose our chains now in your love we remain.../Amanece el nuevo día en que Cristo resucitó, el cielo espera. Ya sin lagrimas ya sin dolor. Cristo resucitó, desata nuestras cadenas, ahora en tu amor, permanecemos... - “Son Rise” a 2023 Easter song written by John Andrews (Diocesan Director of Communications) and performed by Bishop Alberto Rojas

    I came across the word ubuntu recently when I was reading the introduction to Rev. Dr. Jacqui Lewis’ book Fierce Love. The title had caught my attention because fierce can mean heartfelt and powerful intensity. Since we have been looking at how we are called to be present to each other so we can more fully experience great God's love, I wanted to check out her book further to see how it might fit here.

    In the introduction Lewis goes into a short history of the Zulu word “ubuntu.” This word comes from the Zulu phrase Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu, which literally means “a person is a person through other people.” Unbuntu, Lewis wrote, can also be translated “I am who I am because we are who we are.” This word and the phrase are speaking of recognizing and being present to each other. In this Zulu greeting we see how we are present to each other right from the beginning of our interacting with another. It's encouraging to see that around the world we realize the importance of being present to each other. In being present to each other we are bringing hope where hope may not yet exist.

 We can be present to others through music. These links are to the Easter video Bishop Rojas released last month: or (second link has Spanish subtitles)

  Showcasing SHA talent: Jesus and two others are reaching out to someone in 4th grade Max's picture.


 God bless,

 Mrs. Alhadef

Campus Minister

4th Grade Aide

Jr. High ELA Aide
