Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection:  Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young

    In his homily on Sunday Fr. Erik gave a very compelling invitation to join in the various Holy Week activities and Triduum liturgy. Participating in these holy services connects the dots between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. By going straight from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, he said, we miss out on how we got from one event to another, we miss a big part of the story. The Triduum is that link between the events of the Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Sunday and his rising to new life Easter morning. Participating in the Triduum, or going to the last Stations of the Cross (at both sites this Friday), slows us down, focuses us on what is most important and draws us into the depths of the story of Jesus’ love for us.

   Whether you attend these activities here at Holy Name, or at another parish, Fr. Erik and I know you will be greatly blessed and come Sunday your _llelui_ (it’s not Easter yet) will be richer in meaning and joy. This is our Christian story; embrace it, listen to it, and retell it. May you have a blessed and happy Easter—Buona Pasqua!

     We will wait until after Easter to run our last 7th grade essay.

    Thank you.  Mrs. Alhadef
