Parent Letter Faith Reflection

    Bold and courageous. That was the theme that ran through all the homilies from Easter Sunday, throughout the week at the daily Mass, to the Second Sunday of Easter (a.k.a. Divine Mercy Sunday). Every chance he had Fr. Erik encouraged us listeners to be bold and courageous just as the Apostles and early disciples were as recounted in the readings each day. He encouraged us and challenged us in each homily to be heartened in our love for our Lord and take our faith in the living Christ wherever we go. No matter what we do, or where we are, we can be proclaiming the Good News by others seeing that we truly believe in the resurrection through our actions and our joy.

   The Pope and I are going to be ambassadors for Fr. Erik in also encouraging you to be bold and courageous. This week we have the last 7th grade essay. This works out nicely as Pope Francis released his latest Apostolic Exhortation, Gaudete Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), this past Monday, 9 April. It’s a call for all of us, laity, religious, ordained, to be holy in today’s world. In his letter the Pope echoes Fr. Erik on boldness and courage saying, “[Holiness] is boldness, an impulse to evangelize and to leave a mark in this go forth and serve with the same courage that the Holy Spirit stirred up in the Apostles, impelling them to proclaim Jesus Christ.”

   We will delve into Pope Francis’ letter on holiness for the remainder of the school year. Our 7th grader will get us started by grounding us in prayer as we courageously set out on our bold faith adventure.

  Religion Essay

 by Johnny

   “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

   This prayer speaks to me. It makes me think about how God will never change and how he will always be there. It’s a simple prayer that I can understand and help me think about living my faith. I can be a better Catholic with a little focus and a little prayer like the Glory Be.

   I can live my faith better by going to mass more often. I go but more mass can never be bad. It reminds me to treat others kindly. By going, I can encourage others too. I could put out flyers to remind people that church is on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. I can also try to spread the word in other ways like preaching to people about God and showing them that God is great. In my free time, it is good to pray to God or read a little of the Bible.

   The Church can help me by making a preteen mass. It can also help by saying Bible verses kids may know a little better and explain the hard ones. Last but not least, it would be very nice if Pope Francis could keep giving messages to all of the kids.

   Faith is important because then God is always with you. When you practice your faith, then you can be there for others.

     Cinema for the Soul will be showing Unconditional Love on Thursday, 26 April, in the Youth Lounge of the Olive parish hall at 7pm. Come watch stories of real people, bold and courageous people, show unconditional love through a life of service to others. And after watching the movie let Fr. Erik how it has made you more bold and courageous. We don’t celebrate Pentecost as a Church community until the 20th of May this year, but we can be filled with the Holy Spirit at any time. Happy Easter!

   Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef
