Parent Letter Faith Reflection

Faith Reflection:  Mercy—The Beauty of Our Young

    These last two weeks of school are a time to prepare: We are preparing for the 8th grade graduation, preparing to go from one grade to the next, we are preparing for summer vacation. We are preparing to wind down this school year so we can be ready in the Fall for a new school year.

  Pope Francis’ homily this past Sunday for the Feast of Corpus Christi is very fitting for this time of year when we are doing so much preparing. In his homily he focused first on how the readings for this feast day draw our attention more to the preparations of that first Eucharist than to the actual dinner. How Jesus has already made preparations but asks us, his disciples (then and now) to cooperate with this.   

   What does Jesus prepare for us though? “A place and a meal,” Francis answered. The meal, the Eucharist, that Jesus prepares for us is his very self that nourishes and sustains us in all things. The place he prepares for us is a place within the Church—“a place, he said, “where there is, and must be, a place for everyone.” “A place and a meal are both bestowed on us in the Eucharist,” Francis said, calling it “the ultimate ‘room and board.’”

   Here, this side of heaven, the Pope said, we need to be fed and nourished not only by food, but also by “plans, and affection, hopes and desires,”  Nourished by Jesus himself in the Eucharist Jesus prepares us to go and prepare a place and a meal for others. Jesus, through the Eucharist, prepares us to go to those “uncomfortable places” “places untouched by hope” bringing hope and peace. It is the Eucharist that opens our hearts so that we can “set out in new directions” where it may not have been our first choice to go to reach out to those on the margins who need our help. It is love and the Eucharist that will help prepare us for whatever our Lord calls us to, to whatever is next.

   So as we go into summer, whether you find yourself in fun and enjoyable places delighting in new adventures, or in uncomfortable places untouched by hope, know the Eucharist sustains us in all things. And know that wherever you are, you are in the place where our Lord needs you to be to prepare “a meal and a place” for someone else. Have a blessed and joyful summer.

    Thank you. Mrs. Alhadef

    Imagine what it would be like to have your spouse suddenly tell you your life is about to take a radical turn. Change can be scary and unnerving even when we have made the choice and are looking forward to it. It can be all the more unnerving when it's unexpected and the way doesn't seem clear and certain. Join Cinema for the Soul on the 28th of this month to watch Mully, the true story of a rich and powerful Kenyan who made a radical and unexpected change in his life and his families' to "prepare a place and a meal" for the poor and orphaned of his country. In God's hands change can still be unnerving, but it's also life-giving, beautiful, and a most special blessing. 7:00p in the upper room of the Olive parish hall.

   A call is going out for the new volunteer opportunity at our parish. On Mondays, in conjunction with our parish's AJ's Kitchen Ministry, showers will now be available for the homeless in our community from 10:30a-1:00p. 5 volunteers are needed to help provide this service each week. Please see the parish bulletin for details, or call Rick Ferguson 909 362 2819 if you can help. Please note there are two upcoming training days for this ministry: Thursday, June 21, 6:30-7:30p at Rocky Point Church in Mentone and Thursday, July 5, 9:00-11:00a at Redlands Family Services. Thank you for considering preparing a 'meal and a place' for someone else. 
