House Keeping Notes

Welcome back!!!  I hope everyone had a relaxed, blessing filled Easter vacation!!!  These are just a few notes to get us started on this last part of the school year.
1.) The staff was asked to make sure to enforce the uniform policy.  Please review the uniform policy in the Parent Handbook, pages 39-40.  Some of the things that I have noticed is the different colored hair accessories for the girls, and sometimes the shoes are out of uniform.  For the boys, the biggest issue is the pants.  Several boys are wearing cargo pants, which are not uniform.  So please take a look at the Parent Handbook and check your student's uniform before leaving the house.  Thank you!
2.) Could you please send your student to school with an eraser (with either their name or number on it)?   It doesn't matter to me what kind they use.  Most of our pencils are sans erasures.  
3.). Our class is leading the school mass this Wednesday.  This will be the last mass our class will lead this school year.  Please join us at 8:45 if you can.
4.) Chaoter 15 Religion test is due back, reviewed and signed, tomorrow.
Thank you!