
Christmas Cards for Troops and Vets

Happy Sunday LEAP Families,
For a number of years (we did not participate last year) LEAP classes have participated in a holiday card distribution to our troops overseas and for patients in local VA hospitals. I would like to bring this worthy cause back. If you have any extra Christmas cards please have your student bring them to class within the next 2 weeks. Homemade cards are also very much appreciated! Please include an inspirational note and sign from The Students at Sacred Heart Academy, Redlands, CA or From the Sacred Heart Academy Community, Redlands, CA. Do not include specific names or addresses. Is is requested that no glitter appear on cards.
Thank you so much for partnering with me as we spread the Christmas spirit! Let me know if you have any questions.
Blessings, Kathy Seter

Absent Work - Looks like cold and flu season has arrived at SHA. To help us keep absent work organized, today we started an "Absent Work" file system. Here's how it works - If your student is absent on a Monday and returns to school on Tuesday, they are asked to check the Monday file for their "While You Were Gone..." slip. Of course, you may also check the LEAP web page or you can email me.
Stay Healthy,
Mrs. Seter

3rd Grade LEAP Subtraction

Today students learned different strategies to subtract. Dariel and McKenzie did a great job!

4th Grade Bar Modeling

Ethan demonstrates how to use bar modeling to solve multiplication problems.
Winners of the 5th grade Hogwarts House Cup Challenge - Morgan, Noah, and Conner (not pictured) members of Gryffindor. Great Job!

3rd Grade island Hop

3rd grade LEAP students took a little "tropical vacation" today during class. We used our knowledge of rounding/estimating to the nearest ten to "hop" to the nearest island.

5th Grade Hogwarts House Cup Challenge

Today students completed in teams to determine the House Cup winner. They used order of operations to determine point values from falling down trapdoors, receiving 100% on a potions test, getting lost in the Forbidden Forest and many more adventures. Point leader at this time - Gryffindor with 890 points. The challenge will continue tomorrow to determine our winner. Good Luck!

STAR Testing

STAR math testing will begin next week (FYI Language Arts will be the following week).
LEAP students will test on Tuesday, Sept. 27 during our regular math times.