
Potluck Reminder

Our potluck is tomorrow at lunchtime.  You can send the food items with your student in the morning or around 12:15.  If your student gets hot lunch, they will still go out to get it and bring it back to the classroom to eat.  We will eat lunch together, they will go out to play for a bit, and then come in to watch a movie and have dessert.  :)


Our class reached our points goal!!!  Yipee!!  The class decided as a group that they wanted to have a potluck lunch and a movie.  We will be having this potluck on Thursday, November 14th.  Please click on the title "Potluck" above and  take a look at the attached list ~ these are the items that your students chose to bring.  :)  Please bring enough for 6 -8 people.  Thank you very much!!!

It has come to my attention that some families are not receiving the homework notices via email.  It is not enough just to subscribe to the 3rd grade home page.  You need to go to the 3rd grade homework page and subscribe to that page also.   I hope this helps!!!  

School Mass is on Friday, November 1st.  We will be celebrating All Saints Day.  Our class is leading the liturgy.  This means that our class will be the readers, altar servers, choir, and cantors.  Please join us at 9:00 if you can.

Homework website

Your student brought home a letter introducing a new website,   This is the new homework site.  I won't be sending home anymore homework packets, bit will be assigning homework thorough this site.  Please make sure to take a look at it.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

Notes from Class

  • Social Studies tests were returned today.  Please review the tests with your students.  Sign and return the tests by Thursday, October 17th.  Point values:  #1-5, one point each; #6-11, two points each, #12 extra credit; #13 and self assessment three points each for a total of 23 points.
  • Picture Day tomorrow!!!  Please have your student bring in the order form regardless if you are ordering pictures.  We want to make sure the name matches up with the picture for the yearbook.  Have your student wear regular uniforms to school and bring PE uniform to change into later.
  • I did not send any homework with the student today.  Homework will go home with them tomorrow.

Have a great week!!!

Fun in Math Photos

Please look in the "My Album" tab.  I just added a new album titled "Fun in Math 2013-2014".  You will see what we did in math today!

Our class has just spent the last three weeks learning our multiplication facts.  It was fast and furious ~ a few tears and a lot more cheers!!!  I want to share with you how well our class has done.  The blue bars represent the pretest scores.  The students took a test prior to the start of the unit.  As expected, the majority of the class scored less then 40%.  But take a look at the red bars!!!   Most students scored in the 90% and higher!!!  Woo Hoo!!!

Just because the unit is over doesn't mean that multiplication is over.  Oh, no!  It is just the beginning.  Please continue to practice, practice, practice multiplication facts with your student.  We will be doing multiplication practice in some shape or form in math class each day.

I am so proud of this class!!!

CogAt Testing

3rd grade has CogAt testing on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, September 25, 26, and 27.  You can help your student be prepared by getting them to bed early (or at least on time) the night before and giving them a healthy breakfast on the morning of the tests. 

The class did a fantastic job leading the school Mass this week!!!  Our new student, Angelina, had never spoken in front of such a large crowd before, and she did a wonderful job proclaiming the first reading.  This was Evan's first Mass as an altar server!!  We lead a couple more Masses this year and we also lead a living rosary with the 4th grade in May.

School Mass

On Wednesday, Sept. 18th, our wonderful 3rd grade class will be leading the school Mass!!  Each student will have a part in the liturgy from greeters, to altar servers, to readers.  If you are able to join us, we would love to see you!!!  The Mass begins at 8:45 a.m.  Our celebrant will be Fr. Mark from El Carmelo. 


Religion test on Tuesday, Sept 10th.  Test is on Chapter 1.  We will complete the chapter review on Monday during class.  Student will bring the book home on Monday to review.  Please review with them the Key Words.


Spanish test on Tuesday, Sept. 10th.  Test will be on Hello and Goodbye words.

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

We have had a wonderful start to our school year!  It has been great getting to know the students this past week and meeting so many parent during the Back to School Night last Thursday.  I know that we will have a fantastic school year!!!