
LEAP classes took a little break from math today to participate in the nationwide Drop Everything and Read Day (DEAR). This day is dedicated to honor author Beverly Cleary.


Upcoming - In honor of author Beverly Clearly's 101 birthday, LEAP will be participating in the the nationwide day of Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) on Wednesday, April 12. Students are asked to a bring any book of their choice to read during our LEAP math time. This is a good opportunity for students to read their AR books.

LEAP's Annual March Madness Pizza Party. A very big THANK YOU to the following families for donating items/helping to serve: the Andrade family, the Hoffman family, the Zavaletta family, the Bacon Family, the Bahamontes family, the McAfree family, the Dantic family, and the Elkin family. Your continued support is much appreciated!

Pizza Party

March Madness Pizza Party tomorrow, April 4 during lunch. Pizza, lemonade, and dessert will be provided.

Pizza Party Reminder

March Madness Pizza Party Tuesday, April 4 during lunch time! Pizza, drinks, and dessert will be available :)

March Madness Update

Bracket update: Quintin (4th grade) 266 points, Victoria (6th grade) 251 points, Sophia (4th grade) 239 points

March Madness Update

5th grader Audrey explains how we use a mathematical formula to obtain points for our tournament teams. You are awesome Audrey! Current standings: Sophia (4th) 239, Victoria (6th) 201, and Quintin (4th) 200
Morgan working hard showing us how to model multiplication of a fraction and a whole number. Great job Morgan!

March Madness Pizza Party

Greetings LEAP Parents,
We have scheduled our annual March Madness pizza party for Tuesday, April 4 during lunch. I am in need of a few parent volunteers to assist me on that day to help serve the kids. We are also in need of a few items to help us celebrate. If you are able to help, please email me.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Mrs. Seter

Brady shows the 4th grade LEAP class how to find and model the factors of a number. Great job Brady!
6th grade LEAP students updating their March Madness brackets. Our current point leaders are as follows: Quintin (4th grade) 163, Kyle (6th grade) 157, Emma (3rd grade) 133, and Morgan (5th grade) 122.