
Poster Contest and Living Desert

Homework: Knights of Columbus poster contest is due on Friday.  Students can use crayon, marker, pencils, paint to create an anti-substance abuse poster.  It should have some sort of message or slogan along with a picture.  Name, school, grade on back.
Living Desert field trip date change to Thursday, Feb. 8th.  There is no school on Feb. 9th due to a teacher in-service.

Jan / Feb Important Dates

Hello families!  I wanted to let you know about some very important events coming our way in the next few weeks.  
Thurs. Jan 25: Science Fair:  We will be doing a class science fair project this week and next week.  We will be learning about the scientific method and creating individual journals for our project.  Families will not have to provide any supplies or create a board.  This will all be done at school.  The Science Fair will be open for viewing from Friday Jan 26 through Sunday Jan 28.
Fri Feb 2  Grandparents Mass.  Our class will be leading this Mass at 10:00.  All grandparents are invited to join us at this special Mass.  This is also a minimum day, so if grandparents want to take your student after Mass, please either text me with your permission or send me a note. (If texting, please text on Thurs 2/1 after school or on Fri 2/2 morning.)
Friday Feb 9 Living Desert Field Trip.  Permission slips will be going home in the next couple of weeks.  I will send a Remind notice when they are sent home with the student.  I have three driver/chaperones and will need six more.  I am limited to the number of chaperones I can take into the zoo.  If you are not one of the chaperones, but still would like to join us, you will need to pay the regular entrance fee, enter through the main gate, and meet us inside the zoo.  Chaperones do not have to pay an entrance fee.  
Tues Feb 13 Valentine's Day Party.  Since Valentine's Day falls on Ash Wednesday, we will be having our party on Tuesday.  Your student is invited, but not required, to bring valentine's for each student in the class.  It is much easier and more efficient if your student does not individually address each valentine but does sign it with his/her name.  Please remember we have 35 students in the class.
Thur Feb 15 MANDATORY First Communion Parent Meeting.  6:00 - 7:00 in the parish hall.  This meeting is for parents of students that are eligible to receive their First Communion this spring.  If you are unsure of their eligibility, please contact me.  We will be discussing the class the students will be taking, the date and Mass times, banners, clothing, and other misc items.  
I know this is a lot of information all at once.  Please mark your calendar with these dates.  And as always, if you have any questions, please let me know.  

Christmas Program

Students need to be at the University of Redlands Chapel at 5:15 wearing their Sunday best.  Our class will be sitting on the very back, middle section, of the main floor.  You will need to sign in your student with either Mrs. McFarland or Mrs. Luther.  At the end of the program, the class will return back to our seats, where you can then check them out with Mrs. McFarland or Mrs. Luther.  Please send parents/grandparents that we have already met and know.  We will not release students to "Aunt Dixie from New York who is visiting for Christmas."  Thank you for understanding.

Nutcracker Challenge Example

This is a sample nutcracker I made out of items in my recycle bin. This has not been decorated.

Important Dates and Other Information

December is a busy month for our 3rd grade class!
Monday 12/4 - Introduction of Christmas Around the World Nutcracker Challenge.  Link to PowerPoint file to follow. 
Wednesday 12/6 our class will attend Santa's workshop
Friday 12/8 our class will be leading the parish Immaculate Conception Mass at 9:00.  We will be readers, cantors, and choir members.  Please join us!
Week of 12/11 our class will be leading morning assembly
Friday 12/15 Christmas Around the World Nutcracker Museum 1:00 - 2:30.  Please join us to explore how various countries celebrate Christmas
Wednesday 12/20 Christmas program

The Witches Field Trip

Our field trip is this Thursday, October 27th.  The class needs to wear their regular school uniform (not P.E. or liturgy).  They have P.E. that morning, but please do no dress them in their P.E. uniform.  Our class will be leaving at 10:00 am.  Drivers (Mrs. Bacon, Mrs. Bonadiman, Mrs. Hellrich, Mrs. Misenheimer, Mr. Rodriguez, Mrs. Servin, Mrs. Vo, and Mr. Wallace) need to be at the classroom by 9:45am.  We should be back at the school around 1:00 and the students will have lunch and recess then.  If your student usually gets hot lunch, please make sure they are not scheduled for hot lunch that day and please pack them a lunch.  If you have any questions, please feel free to text me.  Thank you!!!

Looking forward to 3rd Grade!

 Thank you for stopping by our 3rd grade page!  
Third grade is a fun, fantastic grade to be in.  We learn so many things this year!
  •  In Language Arts, we shift the emphasis of learning to read to READING TO LEARN!  We learn a lot of  vocabulary and concepts and write about what we have learned.  This not only happens in Language Arts, but especially in Science and Social Studies.  
  • In math, our biggest emphasis is multiplication and division.  Students should start the school year with basic addition and subtraction mastered.  We start the school year with a "multiplication boot camp" where the students learn all the basic multiplication facts in about a month!  But don't be worried!  We have loads of fun learning them!
  • In religion, we continue to learn about God, Jesus, and about being part of our faith community.  We also prepare for First Eucharist, starting in January/February and then we celebrate the sacrament soon after Easter.
If you have any questions about 3rd grade, please email me at [email protected].  Have a blessed summer!

Last Week of School

 I can't believe the last week of school is upon us!  This has been a terrific year and I will miss this bunch of kiddos!!!  
Here is a variety of info about next week:
  • Non-uniform dress:  If you have completed the Gradelink Re-enrollment forms, your student gets non-uniform on Mon-Wed.  For field day on Wednesday, these students get a choice of non-uniform or PE uniform.
  • Field Day: This is Wednesday.  Students are to wear PE uniform (unless they are eligible for non-uniform - see above.)  
  • Items to bring to class:  On Monday, Please have your student bring one Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and two grocery bags.  We will need these items as we clean our classroom next week.
  • Egg Salad Sandwich Day:  Some of us enjoy a good egg salad sandwich, so we would love to have an egg salad sandwich lunch on Wednesday.  If your student would like to bring in an egg salad sandwich for lunch, I would be happy to keep it in my little fridge until lunchtime.  
  • Last day of school:  We will have our last school mass of the year, so the students need to be in liturgy uniform that day.

URGENT: School Mass 5/21

SHA is hosting the 5:30 Mass this coming Sunday.  Our class is leading the Mass.  We will need two readers for the readings,  between 3-6 students for the prayers of the faithful, and a family to bring up the gifts.  Also, with the help of Mr. Turner, we will need someone to sing the psalm and others to help cantor.  Please let me know ASAP if your family can commit to being there on Sunday afternoon. You can either text or email me.  We would like to practice singing tomorrow during music class and I would like to hand out readings.  Thank you!!!

Grocery bag

If possible, please have your student bring one or two grocery bags to class tomorrow.  We are sending something very special home that can't be seen until Sunday.  Thank you!!

May Crowning

Tomorrow is our tradition May Crowning Mass.  We are asking that each student come to school with some fresh cut flowers to add to our class flower basket that will be presented as part of the processional.  Our two flower bearers this year are McKenzie  and Cooper.  They were chosen by their classmates to bring up our class flower basket.  Please join us if you can.  Mass begins at 10:00.

Rosary and Mass

Our class, along with the 4th grade will be leading the school in the rosary on Wednesday, May 17th.  This is a Living Rosary, where each student is a rosary bead.
The school is hosting the 5:30 youth Mass on Sunday, May 21st.  Our faith filled 3rd grade is leading the Mass!!!  We will need readers and a family to bring up the gifts.  Please let me know if your student is able to attend and read for this Mass.  Thank you!

Cinco de Mayo

Hola!!!  Friday is Cinco De Mayo.  Senora Downey taught the class a lesson about the history of Cinco de Mayo.  She also taught them how to make Pico de Gallo.  On Friday several students will be bringing ingredients to make it.  Here is the list:
Diced tomatoes: Cate, Ana, Sophia P.
Diced Onions: Aidan
Chopped Cilantro: Sophia R., McKenzie
Tortilla Chip: Brooke, Dariel
Guacamole: Milena
Lemonade: Cami, Cooper
paper cups: Anthony F , Liam B
Large bowl: Avery

Tomorrow's Special Mass

Just a reminder that tomorrow's school mass is lead by our wonderful class. Girls can wear their First Communion dresses and boys can wear their suits or other nice clothes.  After the Mass there is a reception for the families (siblings are welcome to join us).  You are then able to check your student out fro the day.  Yay!!!  If you are unable to take your student, please have them bring clothes to change into.  They will also need to bring something entertain themselves as we will not be doing schoolwork the rest of the day.  Thank you!!!