

1. First Eucharist class #1 completed today.  Please look for a purple paper with a note on it from me.
2. Ash Wednesday Mass tomorrow at 9:00.  Our wonderful class will be leading the mass.  Please join us if you can.  Also, please remind your student to bring a can food item if possible.  
Thank you!

First Communion Photographer

Holy Name of Jesus Parish and Sacred Heart Academy is pleased to have Matthew Jacobson, a parishioner, be the official photographer of the First Communion Masses this spring. In addition to photographing the Mass and your student as he/she is receiving their First Communion, Mr. Jacobson is offering individual photo sessions in March. Please visit his website at for more information. As the date of the Mass gets closer, I will send home the order form. But if you are interested in having special photos taken, please visit the website for more information.

This and That

These last few weeks have not been "normal".  (Is it ever???)  Because I was on a jury for a week and then we had two shorter weeks, we have not had any homework / Scootpad.  I apologize for this.  Please know that our class has been hard at work during the day.  Hopefully, life will settle down next week and we can get back to our regular routine.  I always appreciate the support from the families of this class!!!
This is an exciting time for our class.  Next week we will start the First Communion classes.  Today I sent home information on a yellow/gold paper. Please ask your student for it.  I will send home notes each week about the progress in our sacrament class.
Our class is leading the Ash Wednesday parish Mass this Wednesday, March 1st.  Again, we will be reading and singing the Mass parts.  If you are able, please join us for this very special Mass.  (This is the last school Mass our class will be leading.  We will be leading the school rosary on May 10th, and the parish Mass on Sunday, May 21st at 5:30.)

Homework: Knights of Columbus paragraph

Students should have in their OWL folder a rough draft of a paragraph for the Knights of Columbus contest.  Please review the paragraph for capitalization, punctuation, and spelling ONLY.  Do not correct the content of the paragraph.  Thank you!

Grandparents Mass

Just a reminder that tomorrow our class will be leading Mass.  Students need to be in liturgy uniform.  It would be wonderful to have as many grandparents join us if possible.  If your student had a part in the Mass, his/her grandparents are welcome to stand with them!  Hope to see many of you tomorrow!

Field trip form and money

 Field trip form and money  are due no later than Monday. I need to give my numbers to the zoo early next week. If you have any questions please text or email me. Thank you. 

Living Desert Field Trip

Thank you so much for all that volunteered to drive.  I have enough drivers for the 25 students in our class.  If you would like to join us, you are more than welcome.  The entrance fee is $19.95 and should be paid when we arrive at the zoo.

Important Dates

Friday February 3rd - our class is leading the Grandparents' Mass.  You are always welcome to join us for all our Masses.
Friday February 10th - Field trip to The Living Desert.  Field trip forms were sent home today.  The form and fee are due back to class no later than Monday, February 6th.  I need to confirm the number of attendees with The Living Desert.  I will also need 5 drivers to seat 22 people for this trip.  I am limited to the number of adults that can come with us.  The first 5 people who text me with the number of seats available will be part of our trip.  Other parents that want to attend are able to, but will need to pay for their own entrance fee and enter through the main gate and then meet up with us.  If you have any question, please text or email me.  Thanks!

SHA Talent Show

Sign ups for the Talent Show are due no later than tomorrow.  If your student has a talent they could share with the school, please encourage them to sign up!  Forms were sent home in last week's yellow envelope and can also  be found on the school website.

In the story The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Mr. Tumnus offers Lucy sardines.  In Thursday our class had the opportunity to try sardines!  The students chose whether or not they wanted to try some.  Surprisingly, over half of the class either liked or LOVED the sardines!  I'm so proud of the students for stepping out of their comfort zone and being adventurous!

Happy New Year!!!

Hello families!  I hope that all of you have enjoyed the Christmas break and that many memories were made.  I look forward to seeing all of your wonderful students on Wednesday.  
There are a couple of things that I am requesting your student bring to class:
1) Please bring a picture of your family.  Our January religion bulletin board is titled, "Our Holy Families."  I would love to put up pictures of each of our families.
2) I will be reading "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" by CS Lewis to the class.  If possible, please have your student bring a copy to class.  I will try to get a few copies from other teachers or the school library, but won't be able to get an entire class set.  It would be helpful for them to follow along as I read it to the class.  Bringing a copy is OPTIONAL.  
If you have any questions, please text or email me.  Thank you!!!

Wednesday Mass

Tomorrow is our weekly Mass.  Students must wear liturgy uniform.  Please have your student bring a can or boxed food for the offertory.  Also, if your student has been collecting coins in the Mission Childhood Association box.  Thank you!