1st Grade

Students will:
• Explore the world in order to learn about and respect God’s creation. We are all people of God
• Retell Scripture in their own words, through art and creative expression
• Participate in Liturgical/Sacramental celebrations and Catholic traditions
• Pray formally and informally alone and with others
• Contribute to service/justice projects locally and globally
• Demonstrate knowledge of simple liturgical gestures
• Experience the faith community of the classroom, school, parish and neighborhood
• Learn doctrine through the understanding of grade level ACRE (Assessment of Catechesis in Religious Education) vocabulary
• Understand God as loving Father and Trinity as central mystery
Students will:
• Recognize that all people are unconditionally loved by God
• Relate that God cares for everything He created and we must also care for it
• Tell how family members help and show their love for one another
• Identify special gifts given by God in each family member
• Show how trust is part of friendship
Students will:
• Participate in Lesson 3: Touching Safety
• Participate in Lesson 4: Virtus: Lesson 4 Telling Someone You Trust
• Participate in Lesson 7: Internet Safety
• Participate in Lesson 8: Creating and following family rules
Students will:
• Think clearly and solve problems in math (classify, compare, etc.)
• Talk and write clearly about math (present, explain, etc.)
• Make careful plans and use them (brainstorm, organize, etc.)
• Use math to solve daily life problems (observe, collect data, etc. )
• Sort objects by simple attributes
• Recognize and extend patterns
• Use data to create tables, picture and bar graphs, etc.
• Compare and measure length, weight and volume with standard tools
• Use manipulatives (clocks, coins, shapes, etc.) or drawings to model problems
• Read, write and compare numbers to 100
• Count to 100 by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10sand make reasonable estimates
• Understand the place value of ones, tens and hundreds
• Add and subtract combinations to 20 using various strategies
• Add and subtract two digit numbers without regrouping
• Add a series of 3 single digit numbers
• Write a number sentence to solve a word problem
• Identify and describe common plane and solid geometric objects
Students will:
• Decode letter patterns and know how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word parts
• Apply the basic features of written language to achieve fluent oral and silent reading
• Read and understand grade-level-appropriate material by drawing upon a variety of strategies: answering questions, making predictions, drawing conclusions, comparing information, etc.
• Read and respond to a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature
• Read independently and share personal reading choices with others
• Write clear and coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea while considering their audience and purpose
• Pre -write, draft, revise and edit
• Write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and experiences
• Write and speak with a command of standard English using proper sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
• Listen critically and respond appropriately to oral communication
• Speak in a manner that guides the listener to important ideas by using correct phrasing, pitch, and modulation
• Deliver brief recitations and oral presentations on familiar experiences or interests.
Students will:
• Think and talk about science
• Make plans and use them
• Answer questions using the scientific method
• Use science equipment safely and effectively
• Identify the five senses and use them to learn about science
• Draw and label the human body
• Classify living and non-living things
• Describe animal and plant life
• Distinguish the three states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
• Recognize simple forms of energy (sound, light, heat)
• Identify the four seasons and note the effects on our daily lives
• Predict the consequences of weather changes
• Observe changes in the land, sky, and water
• Preserve the earth by reducing, reusing and recycling
Students will:
• Understand how families are similar and different
• Compare and contrast everyday life in different times and places around the world
• Describe and recognize simple land forms and bodies of water
• Find the location of continents and oceans on a map and globe
• Know and understand the symbols, icons, and traditions of the United States
• Describe the rights and individual responsibilities of citizenship
• Discover the cultural heritage of American citizens
• Identify the differences between goods and services
• Understand basic economic concepts and individual choice
Students will:
• Recognize and produce melody and rhythm
• Move to different styles of music
• Appreciate multicultural music and songs
• Perform music skills appropriately
• Recognize and use the basic elements of art
• Find patterns in the environment
• Use a wide variety of art media safely and appropriately
• Develop an appreciation and respect for multicultural art
Students will:
• Participate in activities that promote physical fitness, good sportsmanship, and the development of motor skills
• Learn about healthy nutrition
• Participate and learn the fundamentals of organized games
• Use a variety of sports objects and equipment.