8th Grade

Students will:
* Show respect for all that God has made
* Demonstrate self-discipline and sacrifice for others
* Actively participate in the liturgy of the Church year
* Assist in parish and community service
* Celebrate the sacraments and traditions of the Catholic Church
* Know the basic teachings of the Catholic Church
* Nurture the faith through prayer experiences including traditional/informal prayer, reflections and meditations,
* Learn to use the Bible as a resource for prayer, guidance, and understanding religious truths of our faith
* Learn the social justice teachings of the Church
* Have a knowledge of Church history including important events, people, councils, and documents
* Have a knowledge of the meanings of faith words included on the Assessment of Catechesis in Religious Education
Students will:
* Understand the characteristics of their present stage of development
* Identify the role of friendship in the middle school years
* Discuss the purpose of dating and receive guidelines for remaining chaste during high school years and beyond
* Know the biology of human reproduction
* Learn Church teaching on marriage, divorce, and abortion
* Identify and protect themselves from potential abuse
* Appreciate God’s gift of sexuality and its purpose in marriage
* Understand the effects of and strategies for avoiding substance abuse, AIDS, HIV infection
Students will:
• Participate in Lesson 5: Grooming
• Participate in Lesson 6: No Secrets
• Participate in Lesson 7: Internet Safety
• Participate in Lesson 8: Creating and Following Family Rules
Students will:
• Use a variety of strategies in the problem solving process in a step-by-step manner
• Use calculators, computers, and other technology to assist in problem-solving
• Solve problems with graphs, charts, and tables
• Compute accurately
• Solve consumer-related problems
• Analyze and interpret statistics and graphs
• Solve problems using operations with all numbers
• Accurately solve problems using measurement and conversions
• Solve multi-step algebraic equations and solve/graph linear equations and inequalities
• Apply algebraic techniques to solve word problems
• Solve systems of equations/inequalities
• Work with exponents, polynomials and factoring​
Students will:
* Use their knowledge of word origins and word relationships, as well as historical and literary context clues, to determine and to understand the precise meaning of words
* Read and understand material from a variety of genres including fiction, nonfiction, drama, and poetry
* Describe and connect essential ideas, arguments, and perspectives of the text by using knowledge of structure, organization, and purpose.
* Read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of literature reflecting history, religion and social science
* Identify and explain literary elements including setting, characterization, plot, theme, mood, foreshadowing, climax, resolution, symbolism, and imagery
* Write clear, coherent, and focused assignments that exhibit their awareness of audience and purpose.
* Write creatively and informatively in the narrative, expository, persuasive, and descriptive genres
* Demonstrate a command of standard American English and correct conventions that include sentence structure, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage
* Conduct research and write reports by summarizing and paraphrasing information from print and online sources
* Deliver focused, well-organized multi-media presentations conveying ideas clearly
* Use critical thinking tools to evaluate content and style of various kinds of communication
SCIENCE (Life/Physical)
Students will:
* Solve problems using the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusion
* Conduct research (field research, library and online research) using scientific equipment appropriately and safely
* Apply knowledge of the relationships between humans, the environment, and the earth’s resources to improve the environment
* Learn the periodic table of elements
* Understand that all living organisms are composed of cells
* Understand that a typical cell of any organism contains ​genetic ​instructions that specify traits
* Understand that the anatomy and physiology of plants and
​animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure ​and function.
* Discover concepts related to waves, magnetism, and ​electricity, forces and motion
Students will:
* Understand the major events preceding the founding of the nation and relate their significance to the development of American constitutional democracy
* Analyze the political principles underlying the U.S. Constitution and compare the enumerated and implied powers of the federal government
* Understand the foundation of the American political system and the ways in which citizens participate in it
* Analyze the aspirations and ideals of the people of the new nation
* Analyze U.S. foreign policy in the early Republic
* Analyze the divergent paths of the American people from 1800 to mid 1800’s and the challenges they faced, with emphasis on the Northeast
* Analyze the divergent paths of the American people in the south from 1800 to mid 1800’s and challenges faced
* Analyze the divergent paths of the American people in the West from 1800 to mid 1800’s and challenges faced
* Analyze multiple causes, key events, and complex conse-quences of the Civil War
* Analyze character and lasting consequences of Reconstruction
* Analyze transformation of the American economy and changing social and political conditions in the U.S. in response to Industrial Revolution
Students will:
* Become proficient at keyboarding and using Word programs
* Demonstrate knowledge of current changes in information and technology
* Use content-specific tools, software, and simulations to support learning and research
* Apply productivity/multimedia tools to support personal productivity and group collaboration
* Select and use appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems
* Use the Internet to research and evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, comprehensiveness, and bias of electronic information sources
* Create PowerPoint presentations using appropriate background elements, slide transitions, clip art, digitized sounds
* Build charts, graphs, and formulas in a spreadsheet format
* Learn the importance of showing respect and restraint when using technology
Students will:
* Appreciate and evaluate different types of music
* Appreciate music of other cultures and periods of history
* Expand knowledge and appreciation of master composers and compositions
* Participate during liturgical, patriotic, & seasonal musicals
* Learn elements and principles of art
* Understand theme, style, and technique in art and movement
* Understand the elements of design in nature and human form
* Use concepts of perspective and composition to analyze and create
* Use problem solving and creative thinking skills to create expressive, unique, and appealing art
* Acquire an appreciation of cultural and historical art
* Expand knowledge and appreciation of master drawings and paintings
Students will:
* Develop abilities and knowledge to be physically fit
* Take part in physical activities regularly
* Understand consequences of personal choices
* Apply concepts of Catholic Social Teaching through fair play, sportsmanship, teamwork, and personal dignity
* Understand rules for team sports, playground games and know how to apply rules to playing the games
* Learn importance of personal health and nutrition
* Participate in physical activities that strengthen motor skills, ​physical manipulation of sports equipment, and ​self