Students will:
MATHEMATICS (we are fully embracing the CCSS in this subject)
- Name and act out things God has made
- Appreciate and care for God’s creation
- Listen/respond/act out lessons taught
- Retell Scripture in words, drawings & role playing
- Show self respect for self , others & environment
- Share stories about feelings
- Share what God has made
- Know and participate in parish/community they belong to
- Pray formally and informally
- Know and participate in liturgical seasons
- Participate in liturgies
- Understand Assessment of Catechesis Religious Education (ACRE) terminology on grade level
Students will:
- Recognize families as gifts from God
- Evaluate how their families’ ethnic, social, and religious customs have shaped them
- Identify the physical traits and characteristics they have inherited
- Appraise the impact of environment on their personal development
- Assess importance of self-knowledge/self-esteem in achieving goals of lasting value
- Demonstrate the importance of respect and good manners in all relationships
- Recognize the wisdom/experience of the elderly members of society
- Demonstrate responsibility with respect to the use of money
- Explain Church teaching in regards to the expression of love and sexuality
Students will:
- Participate in Lesson 1: Touching Safely
- Participate in Lesson 2: Safe Friends, Safe Adults Safe Touches
- Participate in Lesson 7: Internet Safety
- Participate in Lesson 8: Creating and Following Family Rules
MATHEMATICS (we are fully embracing the CCSS in this subject)
Students will:
- Describe and identify objects (color, size, shape, etc)
- Sort and classify objects by attributes
- Develop goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, etc.)
- Understand, describe and extend patterns
- Count by memory to 100
- Count movable objects to 50
- Write numbers in order from 0-100
- Do simple addition and subtraction
- Tell time to the hour, half hour, quarter hour
- Understand concepts of measurement
- Name days of the week and months of the year
- Name and compare shapes and 3-dimensional figures
- Collect, organize and interpret data on a graph
- Problem solve
- Mental Math (+ and -)
Students will:
- Recognize, name, write, and match the upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet
- Decode for the sounds of the letters
- Blend the sounds to read three-letter words
- Read grade appropriate sight words
- Recognize and be able to produce rhyming words
- Understand concepts of print
- Listen, comprehend, and re-tell stories
- Communicate ideas orally using complete sentences
- Spell words phonetically
- Comprehension, critical thinking, filling in blanks
- Exhibit emergent writing skills
Students will:
- Know the five senses and how they help us
- Know about common plants
- Know about common animals
- Know our physical environment and how to care for it
- Collaborate, brainstorm, communicate scientific ideas
- Investigate and experiment
- Observation and Journaling
Students will:
- Understand being a good citizen means having responsibilities
- Understand calendar concepts
- Recognize and name National and State symbols
- Know about where they live (neighborhood, city, state, country)
- Match descriptions of work that people and do and name the job
- Understand that things in life change over time
- Understand that history relates to events, people, and places of times past
- Seasonal changes
Students will:
- Learn basic understanding of computer terms and keyboarding
- Be introduced to various types of technology (cds, dvds, smartboard, powerpoint, internet)
- Learn Internet safety regulations
- Recognize and be able to use devices (mouse, keyboard, monitor)
Students will:
- Learn appreciation for multiple genres
- Learn basic elements in music
- Use creative expression (fingerplays, instruments, singing)
- Learn, participate, and perform seasonal, patriotic, cultural and liturgical songs
- Gain appreciation for elements of the visual arts
- Create and talk about mediums of art
- Demonstrate skills using a variety of mediums
- Role play and re-enact various stories, plays, songs
- Recognize famous artists
Students will:
- Learn structured activities to develop agility, balance, and coordination
- Learn rules to games and fair play to encourage good sportsmanship
- Learn to maintain a healthy body through a healthy lifestyle
- Understand personal and community safety