2nd Grade

Students will:
• Listen and retell stories of Jesus in own words
• Understand the liturgical calendar
• Participate in frequent prayer experiences using a variety of formats
• Relate Jesus’ teachings to real life experiences
• Participate in service opportunities
• Know signs of sacraments: Baptism/Eucharist and Reconciliation
• Know and recite prayers as well as pray spontaneously
• Treat others with respect/love
• Actively participate in liturgy
• Know major Church feasts
• Understands role of Peter/ Pope and Church leaders (hierarchy)
• Continue progress in learning and applying Assessment of Catechesis Religious Education (ACRE) terminology for grade level
• Prepare for and receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Eucharist
Students will:
• Relate how parents share their life with their children as special gifts from God
• Tell how to help build good family relationships
• Be able to tell how their parents and other family members love them
• Explain the human body is a creation and a gift from God
• Relate how friends can help friends grow
• Recognize that we are equal before God
• Identify how responsibility is part of being a disciple of Jesus
Students will:
• Participate in Lesson 5: Grooming
• Participate in Lesson 6: Recognizing Risky Adult Behavior
• Participate in Lesson 7: Internet Safety
• Participate in Lesson 8: Creating and Following Family Rules
Students will:
• Read, write, and compare numbers 100-999 and understand hundreds place value
• Regroup to the hundreds
• Recall addition and subtraction facts and processes to 20
• Learn division/multiplication facts 0, 1, 2, and 5
• Understand linear (inch, foot, yard, centimeter, meter) and liquid (cup, pint, quart, gallon, liter) measures
• Recognize and label fractions in halves, thirds, and fourths
• Solve addition/subtraction problems using three digit numbers
• Estimate and/ round to the nearest hundred
• Solve multi-step word problems
• Solve problems using bills and coins
• Interpret data on a bar graph and other representations
• Collect and record data and create graphs
• Tell time to the nearest hour ½ hour, quarter hour
• Understand elapsed time
Students will:
• Read and enjoy literature (fiction and nonfiction)
• Recognize grade level vocabulary
• Reading with fluency
• Read for understanding (main ideas, sequences, details)
• Recognize Literary elements (characters, setting, plot)
• Read Independently
• Gain information and follow multi-step directions
Students will:
• Decode (blending, diphthongs)
• Apply Word analysis
• Learn Systematic Vocabulary
Students will:
• Punctuate/ capitalize/ spell correctly
• Recognize Parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives)
• Distinguish Plurals/ possessives
Students will:
• Understands the writing process (rough draft, edit, final draft)
• Conduct research – locate, gather, analyze (Book reports)
• Write a friendly letter and label appropriately (i.e. Heading, body, greeting, etc.)
• Write a paragraph that stays on topic
Students will:
• Use the scientific method (research, hypothesis, experimentation, findings, conclusion)
• Use scientific tools (balance, magnets, measuring cups, etc.)
• Talk and write clearly (present, explain, collaborate)
• Learn to preserve the earth (reduce, reuse, recycle)
• Understand the lifecycle of plants and animals
• Identify and classify animals and animal groups
• Understand characteristics of various plant and animal habitats
• Understand the effects of weather
• Learn about rocks and minerals
• Understand how sound, light and force work
• Understands the 5 senses
The students will:
• Differentiate between things that happened long ago and things that happened yesterday
• Demonstrate map skills by describing the absolute and relative locations of people, places and environments
• Explain governmental institutions and practices in the U.S. and other countries
• Understand basic economic concepts and their individual roles in the economy and demonstrate basic economic reasoning skills
• Understand the importance of individual action and character and explain how heroes from the past have made a difference in others’ lives
Students will:
• Recognize and use input/output devices (mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc.)
• Complete tutorial typing
• Use the Internet responsibly
Students will:
• Learn elements of Art (shape, texture, color)
• Create original art using multimedia
• Know art is created all over the world
• Appreciate art of others
Students will:
• Perform music skills appropriately
• Role-play and reenact various stories, plays, and songs
• Foster an appreciation for various types of music
Students will:
• Participate in activities that promote physical fitness, body awareness, sportsmanship, and development of motor skills
• Learn about proper nutrition
• Have an opportunity to participate and learn the fundamentals of organized sports